Custom Query (93 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#71 developers anonymous wontfix message d'erreur non-explicite en cas de non definition d'un parametre template
#77 developers alain.greiner@… fixed The setWriteBerr() method of the MIPS32 ISS doesn't induce a branch to the exception handler

I execute a code that makes an illegal write access (out of segment) on the Mips32ElIss (wrapped in a VciXcacheWrapper). I observe an error code in the VCI RERROR field. It is correctly detected by the VciXcacheWrapper (I see the "write BERR" message), the setWriteBerr() method seems to be executed, but the processor does not branch to the exception handler...

#84 developers anonymous duplicate os ecos

lors de chargement de l'application test twothreads avec l'os ecos dans une architecture mips32, le code est bloqué, je reçoit seulement le texte suivant sur le console: Entering twothreads' cyg_user_start() function Beginning execution; thread data is 0 Beginning execution; thread data is 1

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