Custom Query (93 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 93)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#15 somebody ludovic.lhours@… fixed add computable parameter to soclib-cc

This patch add the ability to compute a parameter value from a parameter.Reference. At the moment only template construction and value multiplication are implemented. Here is an example:

Port('caba:fifo_input', 'p_input', 2,


[ parameter.Reference('IP_BITWIDTH') * 4])),

#16 Nicolas Pouillon ludovic.lhours@… fixed interface header file management tool

soclib-cc is great at managing the compilation of the hardware part of a platform, but not software components. Header files describing hardware/software interface of a specific component (vci_tty, vci_dma, etc.) should be handle in the same modular way as hardware component.

The current patch add a new utility to help building include search path from component metadatas.

#19 Nicolas Pouillon ludovic.lhours@… fixed misplaced arithmetic operators

Misplaced arithmetic operators implementations prevent from using operators on parameter.Reference

PS: it seems that I don't have write rights on soclib-cc part of the repository.

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