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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#2 somebody Qiang Wang <wq_make@…> wontfix Can i see the SoCLib?

hi,My name is Qiang Wang. I'm a graduate student. Can I see the source of the SoCLib? If I can't,please tell me why? thanks

#3 somebody Qiang Wang <wq_make@…> wontfix Can i see the SoCLib?

hi,My name is Qiang Wang. I'm a graduate student. Can I see the source of the SoCLib? If I can't,please tell me why? thanks

#4 Nicolas Pouillon turbo07 fixed SoClib + cygwin


Je tente actuellement d'installer SoClib (révision 5) sous environnement Windows. Pour cela, j'utilise l'API cygwin afin de disposer des outils de batch binutils.

  1. configure
  2. make pthreads (pas d'édition de la constante SC_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE
  3. make install
  4. -> Commentaire des deux lignes wctomb et wcstombs dans systemc.h
  5. make pthreads_check.
  • L'installation de SoClib en suivant la page wiki donne les résultats suivants :
  1. les utilitaires posent problèmes (fb en particulier en raison de la bibliothèque externe SDL)
  2. la compilation de la plateforme d'exemple timer_4mips pose problème. La commande en cause est relative à la cible de compilation simulation.x

Les messages d'erreurs suivent.

Merci pour votre aide


soclib-cc -p platform_desc
soclib-cc: Entering directory `/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/platforms/timer_4mips'
CxxSource gen repos/release/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/bin/", line 121, in ?
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/bin/", line 112, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 57, in process
    #            'unknown' instead of just leaving the field emtpy)
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 63, in process
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 53, in prepare
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 40, in _prepare_one
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 72, in getDepends
    self.__depends = self._depList()
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 83, in _depList
    return self.sources+self.processDeps()
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 64, in processDeps
    return reduce(lambda x, y:x+y, map(self._processDeps, self.sources), [])
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 55, in _processDeps
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/", line 42, in process
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'repos/release/'
make: *** [simulation.x] Error 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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