Custom Query (93 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 93)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#61 invalid tuqiang developers tuqianggreat@…
#63 fixed Problem using fcntl in ppc405 platform developers leonidas.kosmidis@…

Dear developers,

I use the platform you can see in topcell_configuration.TIF and I try to run a simple program which opens a file (test_file) and prints its descriptor (soft/main.c). The execution never reaches the printf as you can see in output file. If I put the line

putchar('\n'); before while (soclib_io_get(base(FD), FD_ACCESS_OP));

in the implementatin of open in fcntl.c it works fine but I then have the same problem if I use read or write. It seems that the processor is polling FD_ACCESS_OP register for ever. Any idea?

Regards, Leonidas

#64 fixed soclib-cc (Platform compilation) Nicolas Pouillon Jussara Marandola <jkofuji@…>


It's my first time using soclib, then I would like to know exactly how to use soclib-cc ?

I tired to compile the example described by site ( just to understand the process of compilation and running the system.

I attached the log.



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