
Version 1 (modified by alain, 17 years ago) (diff)


SocLib Components General Index


Functional Description

This hardware component is the generic router for the DSPIN micronetwork. It can be used in conjunction with the VciDspinTargetWrapper and the VciDspinInitiatorWrapper components to build a VCI compliant DSPIN micro-network. It implements a packet switching network, with a wormhole routing strategy, for low latency.

The DSPIN network on chip is a distributed network, with a 2D mesh topology. It has been designed for shared memory clusterized, multi-processors architectures. It supports the GALS (Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous) approach.

Component definition


CABA Implementation

TLM-T implementation

There is no TLM-T implementation for the DSPIN network. (You can use the Vci Vgmn generic interconnect)

Template parameters

Constructor parameters
