Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Component/Iss Api

Sep 8, 2008, 2:30:51 PM (16 years ago)
Nicolas Pouillon



  • Component/Iss Api

    v1 v1  
     4Function '''step()''' is the main entry point, it executes one ISS step :
     5 * For an untimed model (PV wrapper) one step corresponds to one instruction.
     6 * For a timed model (CABA wrapper or TLM-T wrapper), one step corresponds to one cycle.
     9= API =
     11== inline void reset() ==
     13This function resets all registers defining the processor internal state.
     15== inline bool isBusy() ==
     17This function is only used by timed wrappers (CABA & TLM-T). In RISC processors, most instructions have a visible latency of one cycle. But some instructions (such as multiplication or division) can have a visible latency longer than one cycle. This function is called by the CABA and TLM-T wrappers before executing one step : If the processor is busy, the wrapper calls the '''nullStep()''' function. If the processor is available, the wrapper may call the '''step()''' function to execute one instruction.
     19== inline void step() ==
     21This function executes one instruction. All processor internal registers can be modified.
     23== inline void nullStep( int ncycles = 1 ) ==
     25This function performs one internal step of a long instruction.
     27 * `ncycles`: number of cycles to pass with nothing to do, defaults to 1
     29== inline void getInstructionRequest (bool & req , uint32_t & address) ==
     31This function is used by the wrappers to obtain from the ISS the instruction request parameters.
     33 * `req`: whether there is a request
     34 * `address`: address of instruction to fetch, must be 4-byte aligned
     36== inline void getDataRequest (bool &req , enum !DataAccessType  & type, uint32_t & address, uint32_t & wdata) ==
     38This function is used by the wrapper to obtain from the ISS the data request parameters.
     40 * `req`: whether there is a request
     41 * `type`: access type, see below
     42 * `address`: address of data access
     43 * `wdata`: data to store, only meaningful for write access types
     45Type is one of:
     47enum DataAccessType {
     48    READ_WORD,   // Read Word
     49    READ_HALF,   // Read Half
     50    READ_BYTE,   // Read Byte
     51    LINE_INVAL,  // Cache Line Invalidate
     52    WRITE_WORD,  // Write Word
     53    WRITE_HALF,  // Write Half
     54    WRITE_BYTE,  // Write Byte
     55    STORE_COND,  // Store Conditional Word
     56    READ_LINKED, // Load Linked Word
     60== inline void setInstruction (bool error, uint32_t ins) ==
     62This function is used by the wrapper to transmit to the ISS.
     64 * `error`: whether there was an error
     65 * `ins`: instruction for asked address
     67== inline void setDataResponse (bool error, uint32_t rdata) ==
     69This function is used by the wrapper to transmit to the ISS, the response to the data request.
     71 * `error`: whether there was an error
     72 * `rdata`: data for asked memory region, only meaningful if access is a read
     74In any case, this function must reset the ISS data request.
     76== inline void setWriteBerr () ==
     78This function is used by the wrapper to signal asynchronous bus errors, in case of a write acces, that is non blocking for the processor.
     80== inline void setIrq (uint32_t irq) ==
     82This function is used by the wrapper to signal the current values of the interrupt lines (as a bitfield) on each cycle.
     84For each processor, the number of hardware interrupt lines must be defined by the ISS static variable '''n_irq''', and is limited to 32.