Version 5 (modified by 17 years ago) (diff) | ,
SocLib Components General Index
ISS Wrapper
1) functional description
This component is a generic ISS wrapper. It can be used to build CABA simulation models for 32 bits RISC processors. It can wrap any Instruction Set Simulator respecting the generic ISS API defined here. The wrapper itself respect the cache interface defined by the VciXcache component.
The generic ISS API is formally defined in source:trunk/soclib/lib/include/iss/iss.h
2) CABA Implementation
CABA Sources
CABA Template parameters
IssWrapper takes the wrapped ISS as template parameter.
soclib::caba::IssWrapper<typename iss_t>
For instance if wrapping a Mips, little endian form:
CABA Constructor parameters
IssWrapper( sc_module_name name, // instance name int ident ); // processor identifier
Again, with a mipsel, we get:
soclib::caba::IssWrapper<soclib::common::MipsElIss> mips0( "mips0", 0 );
CABA Ports
- sc_in<bool> p_resetn : Global system reset
- sc_in<bool> p_clk : Global system clock
- sc_in<bool> p_irq![N] : The interrupts. N is defined by the wrapped ISS.
- soclib::caba::IcacheProcesssorPort p_icache : Instruction cache interface to the VciXcache
- soclib::caba::DcacheProcesssorPort p_dcache : Data cache interface to the VciXcache