
Version 3 (modified by alain, 9 years ago) (diff)


SocLib Components General Index


1) Functional Description

This component is a multi-channels DMA controller supporting chained buffers. It can be used to move a stream from one set of chained buffers (SRC chbuf) to another set of chained buffers (DST chbuf), without involving software.

All buffers must have the same length, and must be aligned on a 32 bits word boundary. The buffer length must be the same for the SRC chbuf and for the DST chbuf.

A chbuf descriptor is a circular array of buffer descriptors. Each buffer descriptor occupies 64 bytes, but only the first 8 bytes (64 bits) contain useful information:

  • The 48 LSB bits contain the buffer physical address
  • The MSB bit 63 defines the buffer state (empty if 0)

The chbuf descriptor" base address must be a multiple of 64 bytes.

This DMA controller implements two mode to scan the SRC and DST chbufs:

  • IN_ORDER_FIFO: Both the source chained buffers and the destination chained buffers are accessed in strict order, as defined by the SRC and DST chbuf descriptors. The access is blocking until the expected buffer is available. If the buffer is not available, the delay before retry is defined by the software addressable register CHBUF_PERIOD. This register must be non zero to activate this mode.
  • OUT_OF_ORDER: The SRC and DST chbuf descriptors are scanned with a round robin priority. The first full SRC buffer found is read, and the first empty DST buffer found is written. This mode is activated when the CHBUF_PERIOD value is zero (default value).

This component supports both 32 bits and 64 bits VCI RDATA & WDATA fields, and supports VCI addresses up to 64 bits. In order to support multiple simultaneous transactions, the channel index is transmited in the VCI TRDID field.

The number of channels and the max burst size are constructor parameters:

  • The number of channels (simultaneous transfers) cannot be larger than 8.
  • The burst length (in bytes) must be a power of 2 no larger than 64, and is typically equal to the system cache line width. If the source and destinat aligned on a burst boundary, the DMA controler split the burst in two VCI transactions.

Each channel [k] has 10 memory-mapped 32 bits registers:

  • CHBUF_RUN[k] (write-only) : channel activated when writing a non-zero value
  • CHBUF_STATUS[k] (read-only) : channel status
  • CHBUF_SRC_DESC[k] (read/write) : SRC chbuf descriptor 32 LSB bits physical address
  • CHBUF_DST_DESC[k] (read/write) : DST chbuf descriptor 32 LSB bits physical address
  • CHBUF_SRC_NBUFS[k] (read/write) : SRC chbuf number of buffers
  • CHBUF_DST_NBUFS[k] (read/write) : DST chbuf number of buffers,
  • CHBUF_BUF_SIZE[k] (read/write) : buffer size for both source & destination
  • CHBUF_PERIOD[k] (read/write) : number of cycles between two status polling
  • CHBUF_SRC_EXT[k] (read/write) : SRC chbuf descriptor 32 MSB bits physical address
  • CHBUF_DST_EXT[k] (read/write) : DST chbuf descriptor 32 MSB bits physical address

For extensibility issues, you should access the DMA using globally-defined offsets, and you should include file soclib/chbuf_dma.h in your software. In order to support various protection mechanisms, for each channel, the channel addressable registers takes 4K bytes in the address space. The following address bits are decoded .

  • The 5 bits ADDRESS[4:0] define the target register.
  • The 3 bits ADDRESS[14:12] define the selected channel.

For each channel, the relevant values for the channel status are the following:

Channel Status value
CHANNEL_IDLE 0 channel not running
CHANNEL_SRC_DESC_ERROR 1 bus error accessing SRC CHBUF descriptor
CHANNEL_DST_DESC_ERROR 2 bus error accessing DST CHBUF descriptor
CHANNEL_SRC_DATA_ERROR 3 bus error accessing SRC CHBUF data
CHANNEL_DST_DATA_ERROR 4 bus error accessing DST CHBUF data
CHANNEL_BUSY >4 channel running

There is one private IRQ line for each channel, that is only used for bus error signaling, and is activated when channel[k] enters an error state. The channel can be reset by writing a nul value in register CHBUF_RUN[k], focing channel[k] to IDLE state.

This hardware component checks for segmentation violation, and can be used as a default target.

2) Component definition & usage


See SoclibCc/VciParameters

Uses( 'vci_chbuf_dma' )

3) CABA Implementation

CABA sources

CABA Constructor parameters

     sc_module_name name,   //  Component Name
     const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt,   // MappingTable
     const soclib::common::IntTab &srcid,  // Initiator index
     const soclib::common::IntTab &tgtid,  // Target index
     const size_t burst_max_length,   //  Max number of bytes transfered in a burst
     const size_t channels );  // Number of channels

CABA Ports

  • p_resetn : Global system reset
  • p_clk : Global system clock
  • p_vci_target : The VCI target port
  • p_vci_initiator : The VCI initiator port
  • p_irq[k] : As many output IRQ ports as the number of channels

4) TLM-DT implementation

The TLM-DT implementation is not available yet.