Version 3 (modified by 17 years ago) (diff) | ,
SocLib Components General Index
1) Functional Description
This VCI component is the hardware part of the MWMR communication middleware. It allows an hardware coprocessor to communicate to one or several MWMR channels. The coprocessor communicates with the MWWR controller through several FIFO interfaces (one FIFO interface per MWMR channel). An internal FSM implements the five steps MWMR communication protocol (5 VCI transactions for one MWMR transaction). It contains as many hardware FiFOs as the number of supported MWMR channels. An MWMMR transaction starts when a Write FIFO is FULL, or when a Read FIFO is empty. The priority policy between the supported channels is Round Robin.
This component is both a target and an initiator.
- It is addressed as a target to be configured.
- It is acting as an initiator to do the MWMR transfers
Besides the communication channels, this MWMR controller provides a variable number of unidirectionnal 32-bits signals going from/to the coprocessor.
- from the coprocessor, they are status registers
- to the coprocessor, they are configuration registers
This hardware component cheks for segmentation violation, and can be used as a default target.
As a target this component contains the following memory mapped registers:
- Registers 0 to
When read from, they reflects status registers, when written to, they reflects the control registers.
When written to, this register resets the current state of the controller, flushing all fifos and configuration.
Used to designate the currently configured fifo. WAY may be MWMR_TO_COPROC
, NO may be any of available fifos in the selected way.
Sets the address of state field for the selected fifo's state block.
Sets the address of read/write pointer field for the selected fifo's state block.
Sets the address of lock for the selected fifo's state block.
Sets the depth of the selected fifo.
Sets the width of the selected fifo. This will determine the atomic transfer block size. This must be multiple of 4.
Sets the address of data for the selected fifo.
A boolean enabling the selected fifo.
For extensibility issues, you should access the MwmrController using globally-defined offsets.
You should include soclib/MwmrController.h
from your software, it
defines all useful offsets and constants.
Sample code:
Please see source:trunk/soclib/platform/runtime_netlist/mwmr/soft/mwmr.h and source:trunk/soclib/platform/runtime_netlist/mwmr/soft/mwmr.c for reference implementation.
(add -I/path/to/soclib/include to your compilation command-line)
2) Component definition & usage
source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/internal_component/vci_mwmr_controller/caba/metadata/ See SoclibCc/VciParameters
Uses( 'vci_MwmrController', **vci_parameters )
3) CABA Implementation
CABA sources
- interface : source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/internal_component/vci_mwmr_controller/caba/source/include/vci_mwmr_controller.h
- implementation : source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/internal_component/vci_mwmr_controller/caba/source/src/vci_mwmr_controller.cpp
CABA Constructor
VciMwmrController( sc_module_name name, // instance name const IntTab &index, // VCI target index const MappingTable &mt, // mapping table const size_t plaps, // Default timeout between two access retries to a given channel const size_t n_to_coproc, // number of read MWMR channels const size_t n_from_coproc, // number of write MWMR channels const size_t n_config, // number of configuration registers const size_t n_status, // number of status registers const size_t fifo_depth); // hardware FIFOs depth
CABA Ports
- sc_in<bool> p_resetn : Global system reset
- sc_in<bool> p_clk : Global system clock
- soclib::caba::VciTarget<vci_param> p_vci_target : The VCI target port
- soclib::caba::VciInitiator<vci_param> p_vci_initiator : The VCI initiator port
- soclib::caba::FifoOutput<uint32_t> p_to_coproc[] : Fifos to coprocessor
- soclib::caba::FifoInput<uint32_t> p_from_coproc[] : Fifos from coprocessor
- sc_out<uint32_t> p_config[] : Configuration ports
- sc_in<uint32_t> p_status[] : Status ports
4) TLM-T Implementation
The TLM-T implementation is not available yet.