
Version 3 (modified by alain, 15 years ago) (diff)


SocLib Components General Index


1) Functional Description

This VCI target is an embedded SRAM controller. It is actually a simplified version of the VciRam component, and provide the same services : it handles one or several independent memory segments. Each segment is defined by a base address and a size (number of bytes). Both the base and the size parameters must be multiple of 4. The segments allocated to a given instance of this component must be defined in the Mapping Table. The segments are implemented as dynamically allocated arrays in the constructor.

This component supports an - optionnal - latency parameter, defining the RAM access latency. A zero value for this parameter corresponfd to a bsic one cycle latency.

As the VciRam component, the VciSimpleRam component initializes its segments from a ELF binary if a Loader is attached to it.

2) Component definition & usage


See SoclibCc/VciParameters

Uses( 'vci_simple_ram', **vci_parameters )

3) CABA Implementation

CABA sources

CABA Constructor parameters

  • Uninitialized VciSimpleRam
         sc_module_name name,                     // Instance name
         const soclib::common::IntTab &index,     //  Target index
         const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt,  // Mapping Table
         const uint32_t latency);                 // Latency (Optionnal argument)
  • Elf-Initialized VciSimpleRam

You may load a binary file, by creating a loader:

soclib::common::Loader loader( "a.out" );
     sc_module_name name,                     // Instance name
     const soclib::common::IntTab &index,     //  Target index
     const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt,  // Mapping Table
     soclib::common::Loader &loader,          // Loader
     const uint32_t latency);                 // Latency (Optionnal argument)

On reset, any loadable segment in ELF file will be reloaded.

CABA Ports

  • sc_in<bool> p_resetn : hardware reset
  • sc_in<bool> p_clk : clock
  • soclib::common::VciTarget<vci_param> p_vci : The VCI port

4) TLM-DT Implementation

TLM-DT sources

TLM-DT Constructor parameters

     sc_module_name name,                     // Instance name
     const soclib::common::IntTab &index,     // Target index
     const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt,  // Mapping Table
     soclib::common::Loader &loader);      // Loader

TLM-DT Ports

  • soclib::tlmdt::VciTarget<vci_param> p_vci : The VCI port