
Version 14 (modified by alain, 17 years ago) (diff)


SocLib Components General Index


Functional Description

This VCI initiator is a generic cache controller, fully compliant with the VCI advanced protocol. Thanks to a normalized interface (trunk/soclib/communication/xcache/caba/source/include/xcache_signals.h xcache_signals ), this blocking cache controller can be used by several 32 bits RISC processors (such as Mips R3000, Sparc V8, or !PPC 405). It contains two separated instruction and data caches, sharing the same VCI interface. (source:trunk/soclib/communication/vci/caba/source/include/vci_signals.h)

  • The VCI ADDRESS and DATA fields must have 32 bits, and the VCI ERROR field must have 1 bit.
  • The number of lines must be a power of 2, and cannot be larger than 1024.
  • The number of words must be a power of 2, and cannot be larger than 32.

In order to garanty the memory consistency, this component does NOT start a new VCI transaction until the previous transaction is completed. Therefore, it does not use the VCI PKTID and TRDID fields.

Instruction Cache

  • The Instruction cache is direct mapping and read-only.
  • It uses the Mapping Table to support uncached segments.
  • In case of MISS, the processor is stalled until the missing cache line is available.
  • The only VCI transaction generated by the Instruction cache is a read burst corresponding to a missing cache line.

Data Cache

  • The Data cache is direct mapping, and the write policy is WRITE-THROUGH (the data is immediately written in memory, and the cache is updated only in case of HIT).
  • The data cache contains a write buffer (8 words). The cache controller builds a burst packet when there are successive write requests with incrementing addresses.
  • It uses the Mapping Table to support uncached segments.
  • The Data cache accepts a line invalidate command.
  • In case of MISS, the processor is stalled until the missing cache line is available.
  • Three types of VCI transactions can be generated by the data cache:
    • read burst of fixed length, corresponding to a cached read MISS,
    • read one word, corresponding to an uncached read,
    • write burst of variable length,
  • The processor is stalled in case of cached read MISS, in case of uncached read, or in case of write, if the write buffer is full.

Component definition

Available in source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/internal_component/vci_xcache/caba/metadata/


Uses( 'vci_xcache', **vci_parameters )

CABA Implementation

TLM-T Implementation

Template parameters

template<typename vci_param>

Constructor parameters

        sc_module_name insname,
        const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt,
        const soclib::common::IntTab &index,
        size_t icache_lines,
        size_t icache_words,
        size_t dcache_lines,
        size_t dcache_words );


  • sc_in<bool> p_resetn : Global system reset
  • sc_in<bool> p_clk : Global system clock
  • soclib::caba::ICacheCachePort p_icache : Icache interface
  • soclib::caba::DCacheCachePort p_dcache : Dcache interface
  • soclib::caba::VciInitiator<vci_param> p_vci : The VCI port