Version 7 (modified by 17 years ago) (diff) | ,
Platform Compilation
We'll assume your SoclibConf is valid.
In order to compile a platform with soclib-cc, you need:
- Your top-cell SystemC netlist,
- A platform description file, listing all used components and their parameters.
Your top-cell file should
- Include all soclib component definitions
- Paths are relative to systemc/include
- Define a sc_main,
- Create the components, signals, ...
- Connect them
- Run simulation.
Your platform description should be a python-parseable file, defining
variable todo
, instance of type Platform
. Arguments passed to
are the used components, and you custom files (You may want
to link in more than one custom .cc file).
I will only use a mapping table, instanciate it, and compile a platform:
#include <iostream> #include <systemc.h> #include "common/mapping_table.h" int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) { using soclib::common::IntTab; using soclib::common::MappingTable; using soclib::common::Segment; MappingTable mt(32, IntTab(2), IntTab(2), 0x300000); mt.add( Segment("reset", 0xbfc00000, 0x800, IntTab(0), true) ); mt.add( Segment("excep", 0x80000080, 0x100, IntTab(0), true) ); mt.add( Segment("data", 0x40000000, 0x4000, IntTab(1), true) ); mt.add( Segment("code", 0x04000000, 0x4000, IntTab(2), true) ); std::cout << "Mapping table is:" << std::endl << mt << std::endl; return 0; }
File platform_desc
todo = Platform('caba', '', uses = [ Uses('mapping_table'), ])
Now the compilation:
$ soclib-cc -p platform_desc soclib-cc: Entering directory `/Users/nipo/labo/soclib/rose/soclib' CxxSource gen repos/release/ CreateDir gen repos/release CxxSource gen repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int, CxxSource gen repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int, CxxSource gen repos/release/ CxxSource gen repos/release/ CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::MappingTable_mapping_table.o CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int,output_t=bool_address_decoding_table.o CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int,output_t=int_address_decoding_table.o CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::AddressMaskingTable_data_t=unsigned_int_address_masking_table.o CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::Segment_segment.o CxxCompile compile top.o CxxLink link system.x $
And running:
$ ./system.x SystemC 2.2.05jun06_beta --- Aug 29 2006 16:42:34 Copyright (c) 1996-2006 by all Contributors ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Mapping table is: Mapping table: ad:(2) <Segment "reset": @0xbfc00000, 0x800 bytes, (0), cached> <Segment "excep": @0x80000080, 0x100 bytes, (0), cached> <Segment "data": @0x40000000, 0x4000 bytes, (1), cached> <Segment "code": @0x4000000, 0x4000 bytes, (2), cached> $
For complete examples, watch in /path/to/soclib/platforms/