
Version 7 (modified by Nicolas Pouillon, 17 years ago) (diff)


Platform Compilation


We'll assume your SoclibConf is valid.

In order to compile a platform with soclib-cc, you need:

  • Your top-cell SystemC netlist,
  • A platform description file, listing all used components and their parameters.

Your top-cell file should

  • Include all soclib component definitions
    • Paths are relative to systemc/include
  • Define a sc_main,
  • Create the components, signals, ...
  • Connect them
  • Run simulation.

Your platform description should be a python-parseable file, defining variable todo, instance of type Platform. Arguments passed to Platform are the used components, and you custom files (You may want to link in more than one custom .cc file).


I will only use a mapping table, instanciate it, and compile a platform:


#include <iostream>
#include <systemc.h>
#include "common/mapping_table.h"

int sc_main(int argc, char **argv)
    using soclib::common::IntTab;
    using soclib::common::MappingTable;
    using soclib::common::Segment;

    MappingTable mt(32, IntTab(2), IntTab(2), 0x300000);
    mt.add( Segment("reset", 0xbfc00000, 0x800,  IntTab(0), true) );
    mt.add( Segment("excep", 0x80000080, 0x100,  IntTab(0), true) );
    mt.add( Segment("data",  0x40000000, 0x4000, IntTab(1), true) );
    mt.add( Segment("code",  0x04000000, 0x4000, IntTab(2), true) );

        << "Mapping table is:" << std::endl
        << mt << std::endl;
    return 0;

File platform_desc:

todo = Platform('caba', '',
				uses = [

Now the compilation:

$ soclib-cc -p platform_desc 
soclib-cc: Entering directory `/Users/nipo/labo/soclib/rose/soclib'
CxxSource gen repos/release/
CreateDir gen repos/release
CxxSource gen repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int,
CxxSource gen repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int,
CxxSource gen repos/release/
CxxSource gen repos/release/
CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::MappingTable_mapping_table.o
CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int,output_t=bool_address_decoding_table.o
CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::AddressDecodingTable_input_t=unsigned_int,output_t=int_address_decoding_table.o
CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::AddressMaskingTable_data_t=unsigned_int_address_masking_table.o
CxxCompile compile repos/release/soclib::common::Segment_segment.o
CxxCompile compile top.o
CxxLink link system.x

And running:

$ ./system.x

             SystemC 2.2.05jun06_beta --- Aug 29 2006 16:42:34
        Copyright (c) 1996-2006 by all Contributors
                    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Mapping table is:
Mapping table: ad:(2)
 <Segment "reset": @0xbfc00000, 0x800 bytes, (0), cached>
 <Segment "excep": @0x80000080, 0x100 bytes, (0), cached>
 <Segment "data": @0x40000000, 0x4000 bytes, (1), cached>
 <Segment "code": @0x4000000, 0x4000 bytes, (2), cached>


For complete examples, watch in /path/to/soclib/platforms/.