Version 35 (modified by 17 years ago) (diff) | ,
Welcome to SoCLib project home page
What is SoCLib
- SoCLib is an open platform for virtual prototyping of multi-processors system on chip (MP-SoC).
- The core of the platform is a library of SystemC simulation models for virtual components (IP cores), with a guaranteed path to silicon.
- The project is funded by the french Agence Nationale pour la Recherche.
- 6 industrial companies and 11 laboratories are working together to build this platform
- Magillem Design Services
- STMicrelectronics
- Thales Communications
- Thomson R&D France
- TurboConcept
- CEA-LIST Saclay
- CEA-LETI Grenoble
- CITI Lyon
- ENST Paris
- INRIA Futurs Saclay
- IRISA Rennes
- Lester Lorient
- LIP6 Paris
- LIS Grenoble
- LISIF Paris
- TIMA Grenoble
Technical features
The main concern is true interoperability between the SoCLib IP cores :
- All simulation models are written in SystemC
- All !SoCLib components respect the VCI /OCP communication protocol.
- Two types of models are available for each IPcore : CABA (Cycle Accurate / Bit Accurate), and TLM-T (Transaction Level Modeling with Time)
- All simulation models and most associated tools are distributed as free software.
- The SoClib documentation can be accessed here
- To actually download one or several SoClib tools or component, you must register below.
- For each SoCLib component, a synthesizable RTL model is available, in order to guarantee a path to silicon, but this RTL model is NOT part of the SoCLib library, in order to preserve the IP providers business.
Get your own copy
If you haven’t already done it, please register to create your account !
Please note that this e-mail will be your login ID!
You may also want to sign-up for the developers mailing list dev@…, to do so please visit this link.
If you need write access or for any other problem please contact.