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General rules for the SoCLib hardware components

}}} [[PageOutline]] = Naming conventions = == Namespaces == SystemC being build upon C++, we use the C++ namespace constructs, to create unambiguous names. SoCLib defines the following namespaces: * `soclib` * `soclib::common` * `soclib::caba` * `soclib::tlmt` == Variables == The following conventions have been defined : * All component port names should be prefixed with `p_` * All component register names should be prefixed with `r_` * All component member variable names should be prefixed with `m_` = VCI initiators and targets indexation = In a VCI-based architecture, all initiators and targets must be indexed. Initiators and targets have different address spaces. * The target index is used by interconnect components to route the VCI command packets : the target index is decoded from VCI ADDRESS MSBs. * The initiator index is used by the interconnect components to route the VCI response packets : the initiator index is the VCI RSRCID. Indexes can be : * a simple scalar index, in case of a ''flat'' interconnect. * a composite index, in case of a ''clusterised'' architecture, using a two-level (or more) hierarchical interconnect. [source:trunk/soclib/soclib/lib/mapping_table/include/int_tab.h "mapping_table/include/int_tab.h"] defines an utility class storing a list of indexes. All indexes must be declared as [wiki:Component/IntTab IntTab]s. = Endianness = All SoCLib targets components are little-endian. In case of write, the bytes positions are fully controlled by the VCI BE bits : * LSBs of the VCI ADDRESS are ignored, and the VCI ADDRESS is only used to select a VCI cell (a word in memory). * Bytes are selected by the VCI BE field, and the BE![0] bit is always associated to the Byte 0 of the VCI WDATA field (ie WDATA![7:0]). = Source Code Style and Indentation (to be completed) = In so far as possible, people writing code are encouraged to follow some rules regarding indentation and coding style. These rules are described below: * The coding style used is a variant of the BSD KNF style. * There must be one instruction per line : a line can be terminated by: * a semi-colon {{{;}}} * an opening bracket {{{ { }}} * a closing bracket {{{ } }}} * a colon after a {{{case}}} statement * A line following an opening bracket must be right-shifted * The opening bracket must always be the last character of its line * A left shift is done on a line containing a closing bracket * The opening bracket can be either on the same line as the instruction before or be the single instruction of its line * A line following a {{{case}}} statement must be right-shifted if no new block is created * A space is inserted at the following places: * after the statements {{{if}}}, {{{while}}}, {{{for}}} and {{{switch}}} * before and after a {{{=}}} * before and after all binary operators: {{{==}}}, {{{!=}}}, {{{&&}}}, {{{||}}}, {{{&}}} (bitwise and), {{{|}}}, {{{<<}}}, {{{>>}}}, {{{%}}}, {{{/}}}, {{{*}}} (multiplication), {{{+}}}, {{{-}}}, {{{<}}}, {{{>}}} * before and after a {{{*}}} in a pointer declaration * after a comma {{{,}}} * before the question mark {{{?}}} and the semi-colon {{{:}}} in a unary if construct {{{(x ? y : z)}}} * after the closing parenthesis in a cast statement * after the {{{//}}} sequence (commentary) * A space is '''not''' inserted at the following places : * before a semi-colon {{{;}}} * before and after the operators {{{->}}} and {{{.}}} (field selection) * before the opening bracket of a function declaration * before the opening bracket of a function call * before a comma {{{,}}} * before the operators {{{++}}} and {{{--}}} * after a {{{*}}} in a pointer dereferencement * before a colon {{{:}}} of a case statement * before an indexation operator {{{[]}}} * It is tolerated to add spaces to align some elements such as: affectations, indexation, conditions on several lines, parameters in function calls, variables declarations. * C-99 types must be used when possible: {{{int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t}}} * The indentation must use spaces and not tabs. The number of spaces used is 4. * Blocks (i.e. brackets) must be used even for a single instruction. * The keywords {{{public}}} and {{{private}}} can be either indented regularly or the same way as their parents (the class in which they are). Here is a code exemple : {{{ #!cpp template class MyClass : public Parent { public: sc_signal my_signal; }; typedef struct _mystruct { uint32_t val; } mystruct; int32_t f(int32_t x, mystruct * y, uint32_t c) { int16_t a, b = 0; int32_t * ptr; mystruct st; MyClass<1> t1; MyClass<10> t10; while (st.val == b && *ptr != 0) { if ((a & 0x10) != 0 || y->val) { *y--; #ifdef SOME_FLAG my_counter++; #endif return 1; } switch (c) { case 0: printf("c is %d\n", c); break; case 1: { int local = 2; c = local + 1; } default: break; } } // f is a recursive function f(x, y, c + 1); int32_t exp = (a + (b * st.val) % d) >> 2; uint32_t b = (a * (b + c) == 1) ? c : c + 1; uint32_t var = *(uint32_t *) 0x10000000; return exp; } }}} * Every file must contain at its end an epilogue specifying some indentation parameters for vim and emacs. This epilogue must be: {{{ # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4; # c-basic-offset: 4; # c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)); # indent-tabs-mode: nil; # End: # # vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4 }}} ''Please note: some files do not respect yet all these conventions.''