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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5 somebody wagner@… fixed simulation exception


J'utilise la nouvelle version de SocLib (21 juin 2007)qui resoud les problemes de nommage de fichiers sous Windows. Lors du test (make) sous ../platforms/timer_4mips la compilation se deroule bien. Par contre lors de la phase de simulation, un message "unknow exception occured" apparait. En traçant l'execution, le problème apparait dans la fonction getRoutingTable ( ===================================================================================== if ( done[addr] && adt[addr] != val )


std::cout << " getRoutingTable EXCEPTION" << std::endl;

throw soclib::exception::RunTimeError("Inconherent Mapping Table");

===================================================================================== avec val=3 addr=b0200000 done=1 adt=0, ce qui correspond au mapping du timer.

Sous un environnement darwin la simulation est OK

Merci de votre aide, Charles

#6 somebody turbo07 fixed timer_4mips regression (r15)

J'ai mis à jour mon répertoire de travail (r16). Il s'avère que l'exemple timer_4mips ne compile plus. J'ai effectué une régression et il s'avère que le symptome apparaît révision 15. L'erreur se produit à la génération des sources. Pour info, mon environnement est cygwin (si cela peut avoir un lien ?) Voici le message d'erreur :

cunat@casablanca ~/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/platforms/timer_4mips
$ make
soclib-cc -p platform_desc
soclib-cc: Entering directory `/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/platforms
CxxSource gen repos/release/soclib__caba__IssWrapper<soclib__common__MipsIss>_is
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/", l
ine 128, in ?
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/", l
ine 119, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 57, in process
    #            'unknown' instead of just leaving the field emtpy)
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/tod", line 63, in process
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/tod", line 53, in prepare
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/tod", line 40, in _prepare_one
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/act", line 72, in getDepends
    self.__depends = self._depList()
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/act", line 83, in _depList
    return self.sources+self.processDeps()
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/cxx
.py", line 64, in processDeps
    return reduce(lambda x, y:x+y, map(self._processDeps, self.sources), [])
  File "/cygdrive/l/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/cxx
.py", line 55, in _processDeps
  File "/home/cunat/Projets/Soclib/Devel/soclib/lib/python/soclib_cc/builder/tex", line 42, in process
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'repos/release/soclib__caba__IssWr
make: *** [simulation.x] Error 1

Merci pour votre aide.

#7 somebody turbo07 fixed installation fails


I reinstalled soclib from scratch on a new computer following the installation note page.

SystemC is installed and $SYSTEMC is set. The cross compilers are installed for both mipsel and powerpc target. They are installed in a $CXTOOL directory and the $PATH variable is correctly set.

When performing the Testing part of my new installation, the make command fails:


soclib-cc -P -p platform_desc -o simulation.x [========================W + ] 18 left /home.local/soclib/Soclib/soclib/lib/elf_loader/src/elf_loader.cpp:28:17: error: bfd.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type

After investigation, bfd.h can be found into $CXTOOL/i686-pc-linux-gnu/{mipsel|powerpc}-unknown-elf/include

As indicating, I tried to modify my ~/.soclib/global.conf configuration file in order to specify the correct toolchain. I think the SoclibConf page is not quite clear: my configuration file looks like

" config.mipsel = Config(

base = config.toolchain, prefix = "i686-pc-linux-gnu/mipsel-unknown-elf" )

config.use_mipsel = Config(

base = config.default, toolchain = config.mipsel )


then, the following command line soclib-cc -t mipsel -P -p platform_desc -o simulation.x* gets the following answer: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/home.local/soclib/Soclib/utils/lib/python/", line 237, in ?


File "/home.local/soclib/Soclib/utils/lib/python/", line 113, in main


File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/cairo/", line 107, in change_config

AttributeError: Config instance has no attribute 'doConfigure'

My questions are:

  • how can I tell to soclib-cc the correct path to find the appropriate missing header file?
  • how shall a correct toolchain be declared in a global.conf configuration file?

Thank for your help


PS: In the Installation Notes, I would suggest to add an external link for SystemCass in order to directly access the trac pages for systemcass (

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