
SocLib Components General Index


1) Functional Description

This VCI spy is a component reading everything that goes through a VCI port and dumps every command and its associated response. Moreover, this component assert VCI protocol rules.

It uses a special VciMonitor port type, which is all-input.

Sample output:

logger WRITE 1 cells @0x716000cc plen = 1 const = 0 (r)srcid = 0 be = 1
716000cc: 00XXXXXX 
Response: OK 1 cells

logger READ 1 cells @0x601094e0 plen = 32 const = 0 (r)srcid = 0 be = 15
Response: OK 8 cells
601094e0: 00004490 21180501 0100a524 fbffc514 000064a0 0800e003 21104001 1a250408 

2) Component definition & usage


See SoclibCc/VciParameters

Uses( 'caba:vci_logger', **vci_parameters )

It can be connected anywhere on a VCI signal:

    caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_m[4];


    soclib::caba::VciLogger<vci_param> logger("logger", maptab);

3) CABA Implementation

CABA sources

CABA Constructor parameters

     sc_module_name name,   // Instance name
     const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt)   // Mapping Table

Example instanciation:

VciLogger logger("logger", mapping_table );

CABA Ports

  • sc_in<bool> p_resetn : Global system reset
  • sc_in<bool> p_clk : Global system clock
  • soclib::common::VciMonitor<vci_param> p_vci : The VCI port
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Nov 27, 2009, 11:42:40 AM