SocLib Components General Index
1) Functional Description
This VCI target is a memory mapped peripheral implementing a vectorized interrupt controller, a timer controller, and an Inter-processor interrupt controller: It is an interrupt hub, concentrating 3 types of interrupts:
- up to 32 internal programmable timer interrupts (PTI),
- up to 32 external hardware interrupt lines (HWI),
- up to 32 internal software-triggered interrupts (WTI).
All these interrupt sources can be routed to up to 32 interrupt outputs. Each output can mask individual interrupt sources. Priority between interrupt source types is left to the handling operating system. Priority of interrupts inside an interrupt source type is from the lowest index(highest priority) to the highest index (lower priority).
1.1) Constructor Parameters
All hardware implementations of this component may not implement all the up-to-32 PTI (Timers), up-to-32 HWI lines, up-to-32 WTI registers and up-to-32 OUTPUTlines. The following parameters allow the system designer to get just the needed hardware.
- pti count (in range 0..32): number of programmable timers
- hwi count (in range 0..32): number of external hardware interrupt lines
- wti count (in range 0..32): number of write-triggered interrupt sources
- irqcount (in range 1..32): number of output interrupt lines
1.2) Programmers's View
This component can be mapped anywhere in the address space, on a 4-KBytes boundary. This component is 32-bit data-word based: arbitrary byte access is not supported. The 12 lower address bits are used the following way:
FUNC | INDEX | 00 |
5 bits | 5bits |
- FUNC indicates the functionnality.
- INDEX can be either an input index, or an output index, depending on the functionnality.
MODE | Register | FUNC | INDEX |
R/W | XICU_WTI_REG | 00000 | WTI_INDEX |
R/W | XICU_PTI_PER | 00001 | PTI_INDEX |
R/W | XICU_PTI_VAL | 00010 | PTI_INDEX |
R | XICU_PTI_ACK | 00011 | PTI_INDEX |
R/W | XICU_MSK_PTI | 00100 | 0UT_INDEX |
Reserved | 00111 | ||
R/W | XICU_MSK_HWI | 01000 | OUT_INDEX |
Reserved | 01011 | ||
R/W | XICU_MSK_WTI | 01100 | OUT_INDEX |
R | XICU_PRIO | 01111 | OUT_INDEX |
R | XICU_CONFIG | 10000 | unused |
Software can use the following macro to access registers:
#define XICU_REG(func, index) (((func)<<5)|(index))
WTI_REG[WTI_INDEX] : Write-Triggered Interrupt Register
This register retains the value written. It can be used as a mailbox between the software interrupt source and the target if there is only one source. In case of several sources, two different sources may write sequentially to this register, overwriting the value present in register.
- On write : Raises WTI[WTI_INDEX]
- On read : Acknowledges WTI[WTI_INDEX]
PTI_PER[PTI_INDEX] : Programmable Timer Period Register
This register contains the reset value for TIMER[PTI_INDEX] when it wraps to 0. If this register is set to 0, the corresponding timer is disabled and no interrupt is ever raised. If there is a pending interrupt, it is cleared, without need to read PTI_ACK[PTI_INDEX]. If the written value is non-zero, and the timer is currently running, the corresponding timer counter is not reset.
- On write : Resets the period of TIMER[PTI_INDEX].
- On read : Gets the period of TIMER[PTI_INDEX].
PTI_VAL[PTI_INDEX] : Programmable Timer Value Register
This register is decremented by 1 on each clock's raising edge. When it gets to 0, the value is reset to the corresponding period register value (PTI_PER[PTI–INDEX]), and the corresponding timer interrupt line is asserted until acknowledged. Decrementation goes on whether interrupt is acknowledged or not.
- On write : Resets the current value of TIMER[PTI_INDEX]. Writing a value greater than PTI_PER[PTI_INDEX] in this register has no particular side-effect: value will normally decrement to 0 and then be reset to PTI_PER[PTI_INDEX] when wrapping.
- On read : Gets the current value of TIMER[PTI_INDEX].
PTI_ACK[PTI_INDEX] : Programmable Timer Acknowledge Register
This register is used by the software to deassert an interrupt raised by wrapping of the PTI_VAL[PTI_INDEX] register.
- On write : Unsupported
- On read : Acknowledges the interrupt associated to TIMER[PTI_INDEX]. Read value has no useful meaning.
MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX] : Programmable Timer Mask for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit in this register is a mask for the corresponding timer IRQ. A 1 in bit x enables the timer x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : Sets the current mask
- On read : Gets the current mask
MSK_PTI_ENABLE[OUT_INDEX] : Programmable Timer Mask Enabler for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit written here unmasks the corresponding timer IRQ. Writing a 1 in bit x enables the timer x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : ORs MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX] with the written value.
- On read : Unsupported
MSK_PTI_DISABLE[OUT_INDEX] : Programmable Timer Mask Disabler for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit written here masks the corresponding timer IRQ. Writing a 1 in bit x disables the timer x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : ANDs MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX] with the complement of the written value.
- On read : Unsupported
PTI_ACTIVE[OUT_INDEX] : Current Unmasked Timer IRQs for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit read here corresponds to an active and unmasked timer IRQ, according to current global timer status and MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : Unsupported
- On read : Gets the current timer status for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
MSK_HWI[OUT_INDEX] : Hardware Interrupts Mask for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit in this register is a mask for the corresponding hardware interrupt. A 1 in bit x enables the hardware interrupt x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : Sets the current mask
- On read : Gets the current mask
MSK_HWI_ENABLE[OUT_INDEX] : Hardware Interrupt Mask Enabler for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit written here unmasks the corresponding hardware interrupt. Writing a 1 in bit x enables the hardware interrupt x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : ORs MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX] with the written value.
- On read : Unsupported
MSK_HWI_DISABLE[OUT_INDEX] : Hardware Interrupt Mask Disabler for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit written here masks the corresponding hardware interrupt. Writing a 1 in bit x disables the hardware interrupt x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : ANDs MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX] with the complement of the written value.
- On read : Unsupported
HWI_ACTIVE[OUT_INDEX] : Current Unmasked Hardware Interrupts for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit read here corresponds to an active and unmasked hardware interrupt, according to current global hardware interrupt status and MSK_HWI[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : Unsupported
- On read : Gets the current hardware interrupts status for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
MSK_WTI[OUT_INDEX] : Write-Triggered Interrupts Mask for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit in this register is a mask for the corresponding software interrupt. A 1 in bit x enables the software interrupt x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : Sets the current mask
- On read : Gets the current mask
MSK_WTI_ENABLE[OUT_INDEX] : Write-Triggered Interrupt Mask Enabler for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit written here unmasks the corresponding software interrupt. Writing a 1 in bit x enables the software interrupt x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : ORs MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX] with the written value.
- On read : Unsupported
MSK_WTI_DISABLE[OUT_INDEX] : Write-Triggered Interrupt Mask Disabler for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit written here masks the corresponding software interrupt. Writing a 1 in bit x disables the software interrupt x as an interrupt source for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : ANDs MSK_PTI[OUT_INDEX] with the complement of the written value.
- On read : Unsupported
WTI_ACTIVE[OUT_INDEX] : Current Unmasked Write-Triggered Interrupts for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
Each bit read here corresponds to an active and unmasked software interrupt, according to current global software interrupt status and MSK_WTI[OUT_INDEX].
- On write : Unsupported
- On read : Gets the current software interrupts status for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
PRIO[OUT_INDEX] : Priority Encoder for IRQ[OUT_INDEX]
This read-only register holds the index of the highest priority, active and unmasked interrupt for each source type.
- On write : Unsupported
- On read : Get the three highest-priority active interrupt indexes for IRQ[OUT_INDEX].
000 | PRIO_WTI | 000 | PRIO_HWI | 000 | PRIO_PTI | 00000 | W | H | T |
- Bit T is set if there is at least one unmasked timer interrupt.
- Bit H is set if there is at least one unmasked hardware interrupt.
- Bit W is set if there is at least one unmasked software interrupt.
- Field PRIO_PTI (5 bits) contains the index of the highest priority timer interrupt.
- Field PRIO_HWI (5 bits) contains the index of the highest priority hardware interrupt.
- Field PRIO_WTI (5 bits) contains the index of the highest priority software interrupt.
CONFIG : Global XICU configuration register
This read-only register return the XICU hardware parameters.
- On write : Unsupported
- On read : returns the IRQ_COUNT, WTI_COUNT, HWI_COUNT, PTI_COUNT values. Each value (between 0 & 32) coded on 6 bits
- IRQ_COUNT : total number of output IRQs.
- WTI_COUNT : total number of software triggered interrupts.
- HWI_COUNT : total number of hardware interrupts.
- PTI_COUNT : total number of programmable timer interrupts.
Complete specification is in xicu-1.0.pdf.
2) Component definition & usage
Uses( 'vci_xicu' )
3) CABA Implementation
CABA sources
- interface : source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/infrastructure_component/interrupt_infrastructure/vci_xicu/caba/source/include/vci_xicu.h
- implementation : source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/infrastructure_component/interrupt_infrastructure/vci_xicu/caba/source/src/vci_xicu.cpp
CABA Constructor parameters
VciXicu( sc_module_name name, // Component Name const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt, // Mapping Table const soclib::common::InTab &index, // Target index size_t pti_count, // Number of programmable timers size_t hwi_count, // Number of hardware interrupt lines size_t wti_count, // Number of write-triggerred interrupts (IPI) size_t irq_count); // Number of output lines
CABA Ports
- sc_in<bool> p_clk : Global system clock
- sc_in<bool> p_resetn : Global system reset
- soclib::caba::VciTarget<vci_param> p_vci : VCI port
- sc_out<bool> *p_irq : Output interrupt ports (irq_count)
- sc_in<bool> *p_hwi : Input interrupts ports (hwi_count)
4) TLM-DT Implementation
TLM-DT sources
- interface : source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/infrastructure_component/interrupt_infrastructure/vci_xicu/tlmdt/source/include/vci_xicu.h
- implementation : source:trunk/soclib/soclib/module/infrastructure_component/interrupt_infrastructure/vci_xicu/tlmdt/source/src/vci_xicu.cpp
TLM-DT Constructor parameters
VciXicu( sc_module_name name, // Component Name const soclib::common::InTab &index, // Target index const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt, // Mapping Table size_t pti_count, // Number of programmeble timers size_t hwi_count, // Number of hardware interrupt lines size_t wti_count, // Number of write-triggerred interrupts (IPI) size_t irq_count); // Number of output lines
TLM-DT Ports
- p_vci : VCI target port
- p_irq[irq_count] : Output interrupt ports
- p_hwi[hwi_count] : Input interrupts ports
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