
Version 1 (modified by Nicolas Pouillon, 16 years ago) (diff)

Add in Xicu

SocLib Components General Index


1) Functional Description

This VCI target is a memory mapped peripheral implementing a vectorized interrupt controller, a timer controller, and an Inter-processor interrupt controller.

It can concentrate up to

  • 32 independent interrupt lines
  • 32 independent timers
  • 32 IPI registers

multiplexing to up to 32 output lines

Complete specification is in xicu-1.0.pdf.

2) Component definition & usage


See SoclibCc/VciParameters

Uses( 'vci_xicu', **vci_parameters )

3) CABA Implementation

CABA sources

CABA Constructor parameters

     sc_module_name name,  // Component Name
     const soclib::common::InTab &index, // Target index
     const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt,  // Mapping Table
     size_t pti_count,   // Number of programmeble timers
     size_t hwi_count,   // Number of hardware interrupt lines
     size_t wti_count,   // Number of write-triggerred interrupts (IPI)
     size_t irq_count);  // Number of output lines

CABA Ports

  • sc_in<bool> p_clk : Global system clock
  • sc_in<bool> p_resetn : Global system reset
  • soclib::caba::VciTarget<vci_param> p_vci : VCI port
  • sc_out<bool> *p_irq : Output interrupt ports (irq_count)
  • sc_in<bool> *p_hwi : Input interrupts ports (hwi_count)

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