
Version 6 (modified by Nicolas Pouillon, 17 years ago) (diff)


Installation Notes

Prepare the environment

You'll need:

Getting SoCLib

$ cd where/to/put/soclib
$ svn co soclib

Put soclib/bin in your $PATH, preferably add this line in your shell's startup scripts.

$ export PATH=$PATH:where/to/put/soclib/bin

Compiling tools

Some tools need compilation before use:

$ cd where/to/put/soclib/utils/src
$ make
$ make install



You may edit [SoclibConf SoCLib's configuration file]. Out of the box, the only thing the configuration needs is setting an environment variable pointing to your SystemC implementation. Again this may preferably reside in your shell's startup scripts:

$ export SYSTEMC=/path/to/systemc

If you want to check, you should have a listing close to this one:

AUTHORS  ChangeLog  LICENSE  README        docs      include
COPYING  INSTALL    NEWS     RELEASENOTES  examples  lib-linux

Cross-compilation tools

By default, platform examples expect cross-toolchains compiled as described in Cross Compiler. I.e. it expects mipsel-unknown-elf-gcc, powerpc-unknown-elf-gcc and mb-gcc (Xilinx ships a Microblaze compiler named it this way).

If you already have cross-toolchains compiled on your host, you can declare them in ~/.soclib/soft_compilers.conf. For each architecture in mipsel, powerpc and microblaze, you may define:

<arch>_CC_PREFIX = ...
<arch>_CFLAGS = ...
<arch>_LDFLAGS = ...

For instance, if you want to use a mips cross-compiler configured for Linux (GNU+Glibc), you can declare:

mipsel_CC_PREFIX = mipsel-linux-elf-
mipsel_CFLAGS += -nostdinc
mipsel_LDFLAGS += -nostdlib

nostdinc and nostdlib disable default libraries (Glibc) from compilation and linking.

Pay attentions to default values in /path/to/soclib/utils/conf/, they may be of some usefulness. Dont directly modify unless you intend to commit your modifications. This is a versionned file !

Other paths

You should have cross-compilers in you path as well. For instance you should have a generic mipsel compiler toolsuite available as mipsel-unknown-elf-*.

If they are not in the $PATH, add them in:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/compiler/suite/bin


Let's compile a simple platform:

$ cd /path/to/soclib/platforms/timer_4mips
$ make
$ ./system.x

If ever this fails, see if [SoclibConf SoCLib's configuration file] may help you.

You may even want to test more SoCLib:

$ cd /path/to/soclib/platforms/
$ make test